Create New Tests

Writing ducktape Tests

Subclass Test and implement as many test methods as you want. The name of each test method must start or end with test, e.g. test_functionality or example_test. Typically, a test will start a few services, collect and/or validate some data, and then finish.

If the test method finishes with no exceptions, the test is recorded as successful, otherwise it is recorded as a failure.

Here is an example of a test that just starts a Zookeeper cluster with 2 nodes, and a Kafka cluster with 3 nodes:

class StartServicesTest(Test):
    """Make sure we can start Kafka and Zookeeper services."""
    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(StartServicesTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=2)
        self.kafka = KafkaService(test_context, num_nodes=3, self.zk)

    def test_services_start(self):

Test Parameters

Use test decorators to parametrize tests, examples are provided below


Function decorator used to parametrize its arguments. Decorating a function or method with @parametrize marks it with the Parametrize mark.


@parametrize(x=1, y=2 z=-1)
@parametrize(x=3, y=4, z=5)
def g(x, y, z):
    print "x = %s, y = %s, z = %s" % (x, y, z)

for ctx in MarkedFunctionExpander(..., function=g, ...).expand():

# output:
# x = 1, y = 2, z = -1
# x = 3, y = 4, z = 5

Function decorator used to parametrize with a matrix of values. Decorating a function or method with @matrix marks it with the Matrix mark. When expanded using the MarkedFunctionExpander, it yields a list of TestContext objects, one for every possible combination of arguments.


@matrix(x=[1, 2], y=[-1, -2])
def g(x, y):
    print "x = %s, y = %s" % (x, y)

for ctx in MarkedFunctionExpander(..., function=g, ...).expand():

# output:
# x = 1, y = -1
# x = 1, y = -2
# x = 2, y = -1
# x = 2, y = -2

Test method decorator used to provide hints about how the test will use the given cluster.

Keywords used by ducktape:
  • num_nodes provide hint about how many nodes the test will consume
  • cluster_spec provide hint about how many nodes of each type the test will consume


# basic usage with num_nodes
def the_test(...):

# basic usage with cluster_spec
def the_test(...):

# parametrized test:
# both test cases will be marked with cluster_size of 200
def the_test(x):

# test case {'x': 1} has cluster size 100, test case {'x': 2} has cluster size 200
def the_test(x):
ducktape.mark.ignore(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Test method decorator which signals to the test runner to ignore a given test.


When no parameters are provided to the @ignore decorator, ignore all parametrizations of the test function

@ignore  # Ignore all parametrizations
@parametrize(x=1, y=0)
@parametrize(x=2, y=3)
def the_test(...):


If parameters are supplied to the @ignore decorator, only ignore the parametrization with matching parameter(s)

@ignore(x=2, y=3)
@parametrize(x=1, y=0)  # This test will run as usual
@parametrize(x=2, y=3)  # This test will be ignored
def the_test(...):


The Test base class sets up logger you can use which is tagged by class name, so adding some logging for debugging or to track the progress of tests is easy:

self.logger.debug("End-to-end latency %d: %s", idx, line.strip())

These types of tests can be difficult to debug, so err toward more rather than less logging.


Logs are collected a multiple log levels, and only higher log levels are displayed to the console while the test runs. Make sure you log at the appropriate level.

New test example

Lets expand on the StartServicesTest example. The test starts a Zookeeper cluster with 2 nodes, and a Kafka cluster with 3 nodes, and then bounces a kafka broker node which is either a special controller node or a non-controller node, depending on the bounce_controller_broker test parameter.

class StartServicesTest(Test):
    def __init__(self, test_context):
        super(StartServicesTest, self).__init__(test_context=test_context)
        self.zk = ZookeeperService(test_context, num_nodes=2)
        self.kafka = KafkaService(self.test_context, num_nodes=3, zk=self.zk)

    def setUp(self):

    @matrix(bounce_controller_broker=[True, False])
    def test_broker_bounce(self, bounce_controller_broker=False):
        controller_node = self.kafka.controller()
        self.logger.debug("Found controller broker %s", controller_node.account)
        if bounce_controller_broker:
            bounce_node = controller_node
            bounce_node = self.kafka.nodes[(self.kafka.idx(controller_node) + 1) % self.kafka.num_nodes]

        self.logger.debug("Will hard kill broker %s", bounce_node.account)
        self.kafka.signal_node(bounce_node, sig=signal.SIGKILL)

        wait_until(lambda: not self.kafka.is_registered(bounce_node),
                   timeout_sec=self.kafka.zk_session_timeout + 5,
                   err_msg="Failed to see timely deregistration of hard-killed broker %s"
                           % bounce_node.account)


This will run two tests, one with ‘bounce_controller_broker’: False and another with ‘bounce_controller_broker’: True arguments. We moved start of Zookeeper and Kafka services to setUp(), which is called before every test run.

The test finds which of Kafka broker nodes is a special controller node via provided controller method in KafkaService. The controller method in KafkaService will raise an exception if the controller node is not found. Make sure to check the behavior of methods provided by a service or other helper classes and fail the test as soon as an issue is found. That way, it will be much easier to find the cause of the test failure.

The test then finds the node to bounce based on bounce_controller_broker test parameter and then forcefully terminates the service process on that node via signal_node method of KafkaService. This method just sends a signal to forcefully kill the process, and does not do any further check. Thus, our test needs to check that the hard killed kafka broker is not part of the Kafka cluster anymore, before restarting the killed broker process. We do this by waiting on is_registered method provided by KafkaService to return False with a timeout, since de-registering the broker may take some time. Notice the use of wait_until method instead of a check after time.sleep. This allows the test to continue as soon as de-registration happens.

We don’t check if the restarted broker is registered, because this is already done in KafkaService start_node implementation, which will raise an exception if the service is not started successfully on a given node.